What is Good Samaritan Ministry? Why we need Good Samaritan Ministry?
Good Samaritan Ministry is a movement of laity, priests and religious belonging to Diocese of Mandya coming together to extend helping hand towards people in urgent need. When our fellow diocesan faithful met with a road accident, an attack on elderly / women / a girl on travel, a medical emergency at home or on move, when an ambulance service is needed, help required to get hospitalized, when money needed for buying essential medicines, urgent need of blood units, when other diocesan members needed any sort of help within our diocesan areas, Good Samaritan Ministry will be there with its helping hands. Service of the Good Samaritan ministry will be just a helpline phone call away or a Help Request through its own Mobile App for the diocesan families, youths, students and other diocesan faithful who are the primary benefactors of this Ministry.
Working of Good Samaritan Ministry
Under the direct instructions of diocesan Curia, Good Samaritan Ministry has a diocesan committee of 15 people comprises of Fr. Jomon Kolencheri (Director), Diocesan Procurator Fr. Saji pariyappanel (Associate Director) Mr. Jomon Stephen (Coordinator), Pastor Council Secretary Dr. Mathew Mambra, various Forane level coordinators and other nominated members.
Forane team will comprises of Parish Priests, Parish coordinators and volunteers from each parish. Forane coordinators will lead this team with the permission of respective parish priests and make sure that Good Samaritans Ministry services and house visits are arranged in all parishes based on need.
Sr.Rosna SD & Sr. Shanthini SD of Sister of Destitute community in Madiwala are doing a full time service to Good Samaritan Ministry currently.
Samaritans of Mandya Mobile App
Diocese of Mandya has developed our own emergency app called Samaritans of Mandya (SoM) to coordinate all activities of Good Samaritan Ministry and to make it available to all diocesan member in their fingertips. Diocesan members can raise help requests through this app in case of any emergency or in need of any other help
Good Samaritans Family / Youth Care Card
A Family / Youth Care card will be issued to all registered families / youths of Diocese of Mandya with a unique diocesan ID. This card will be issued in the name of family head. All family members can download and install Samaritans of Mandya mobile by scanning the QR code present in this card. A helpline phone number will be there on this card through which all the Good Samaritan Ministry Services can be availed by simple phone call as well. Family / Youth care card ID will be used to authenticate the member before providing any requested service.
Good Samaritans Vehicle Sticker
A Good Samaritans Vehicle sticker will be given free of cost to all the registered members of SoM Mobile App. If the vehicle met with an accident, anyone could scan QR code in the sticker or call through the helpline number mentioned in the sticker to contact Good Samaritans Ministry volunteers. Helpline volunteers will get the help request registered and the help request notification will be send to at least 20 volunteers including three nearby parishes of the accident location and to diocesan central team.
Good Samaritans Medical Help Desk
If diocesan members are facing difficulty in getting hospital care in case of any medical conditions, we have formed a medical team of 55 people comprising of Doctors, Nurses and administrative staffs working in various hospitals across Bangalore and other cities. Advisory and necessary help will be provided by this team to the needy.
Good Samaritans Medicine & Medical Equipment Bank
This is an effort to collect unused non expired medicines and unused medical equipment from homes and hospitals and distribute to the poor and needy. We collect unused medical equipment from homes like wheelchair, water beds, CPAP/BiPAP machines, oxygen concentrators, orthopaedic bands etc and will distribute to the needy. This will be taken back after use and will re-distributed to next eligible person.
Ambulance Service
One Ambulance of Diocese and two ambulances of St. Vincent De Paul Society is available to everyone at nominal charges. Service of the ambulance will be free of cost for those diocesan members who are finding it difficult to pay for it. Booking for the ambulance will be through family care card ID and through SoM mobile App.