- General Body Meeting 2024, 1st May

The Annual General Body Meeting of the year 2024, is hosted at St. Thomas Forane Church Dharmaram @8:30am. On the feast of our Patron St.Joseph the Worker, this gathering was started with Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Mark Nediyakalayil, Director, Diocese Pithruvedi, Mandya Diocese, and Pithruvedi Members from various Parishes joined. After the Holy Mass celebrated specifically for the Pithruvedi Members, the meeting was started with welcome speech by Mr. Benny Joseph, Vice President, Mandya Diocese Pithruvedi. The Quarterly report was presented by Mr. Lipjo ( Secretary, Mandya Diocese) and Accounts was presented by Mr. Jaison Chemmannoor ( Treasurer, Mandya Diocese). This was followed by the Release of the Thathan Magazine, the first edition of year 2024. The certificates were issued for the 2nd Edition of the Online Bible class for those who successfully completed the course. The top 2 parishes with the highest number of certificates were awarded the trophies. As planned earlier, the election for the new Diocesan Executive Committee was done, as the following DEC members were about to finish their term by June 2024. Mr. Darly Kuriakose (President), Mr. Francis Kulirani (Vice President), Mr. Georgekutty PM (Joint Secretary), & Mr. Noble Antony Thattil (Joint Secretary) are completing their term in the Diocesan Executive Committee (2022-24). The election for the new members from the respective forane, is done so that to have a representation from the each of the 7 foranes of the Mandya Diocese. The new DEC (2024-26) team is as following. Fr.Mark Nediyakalayil OCD (Director), Mr. Joseph Aikkara (Associate Director), Mr.Johnson KJ (Associate Director), Mr.Jaison Chemmanoor (President), Mr.Sunny Varghese (Vice President), Mr.Thamby Alappat (Vice President), Mr.Lipjo K Joseph (Secretary), Mr.Benny Joseph (Treasurer), Dr.Sojan Antony (Joint Secretary), Mr.Jyotish K Varghese (Joint Secretary). This is followed by Presidential address by Mr.Darly Kuriakose, President, Mandya Diocese did the Presidential Address and shared the directions for the Pithruvedi activities. Updates from the various Pithruvedi units were given and discussed. The meeting was concluded by the Vote of Thanks by Mr. Georgekutty PM (Jt. Secretary Diocese Pithruvedi)
- Central Committee Meeting 2024, 18th Feb

On this first Quarterly Central Committee Meeting of the year 2024, hosted at St. Joseph’s church TC Palya @3:00pm, Pithruvedi Office Bearers from various Parishes have attended, and have discussed about the ongoing activities and plan for the next quarter. This gathering was started with Prayer from Fr. Subin Punnackal, Director Pithruvedi, St. Joseph’s Church TC Palya, and welcome speech by Mr. Babu MM, President of Pithruvedi Unit, St. Joseph’s Church TC Palya. The Quarterly report was presented by Mr. Lipjo ( Secretary, Mandya Diocese) and Accounts was presented by Mr. Jaison Chemmannoor ( Treasurer, Mandya Diocese), and Fr.Mark Nediyakalayil, Director, Mandya Diocese has done Director’s Message and Mr.Darly Kuriakose, President, Mandya Diocese did the Presidential Address and shared the directions for the Pithruvedi activities and reiterated the important role of Pithruvedi as a pois organization in our respective parishes.
- Pithruvedi Day 2023, 1st Nov

Pithruvedi Annual Day was celebrated on November 1st, at Mount Carmel Forane Church, Carmelaram. 314 Pithruvedi Members have attended from 33 Pithruvedi Units of Mandya Diocese. The event was Graced by His Grace Sebastian Adayanthrath, Bishop Mandya and started with Holy Qurbana lead by Bishop.
- Vocation Promotion Day 2023, 30th July
Mandya Diocese Vocation Promotion Day was conducted by Pithruvedi on July 30th at St. Sebastian’s Forane Church, Mathikere. Mar Sebastian Adayanthrath, Bishop of Mandya Diocese, inaugurated the gathering and provided a great message.
The event had esteemed dignitaries of the like, Fr. Mark Nediyakalayil OCD, Pithruvedi Director, Mandya Diocese, Mr. Darly Kuriakose, Pithruvedi President, Mandya Diocese, Rev Msgr James Kunnampadavil CMF, Proto Syncellus Mandya Diocese, Rev Fr Mathew Mechirakal CMF, Vicar – St Sebastian’s Forane Church Mathikere, Rev Fr Rony Puthanveetil MDA, Rector – Mother Teresa Seminary, Mandya, Rev Fr SajiPeriappanal– Curia Member and Mrs Binny Saji, President , Mathruvedi, Mandya Diocese.
There were 300+ participants from 21 different parishes across the Mandya Diocese, and the gathering and messages iterated the importance to promote the Vocations from Mandya Diocese. There were experiences and messages shared by Rev Sr Amelia Vadakkan LSMS, Rev Sr Dr Mary Rose SD, Mr George PJ & Mrs Jancy George -Parents of Sr Simi George, Rev Sr Dr Jenniffer Jacob SD, Brother Mathews Marian Mathew, Brother. Savan Kalluprayi, and the vote of thanks by Mr. Henry K J , President, Pithruvedi, St. Sebastian’s Forane church Mathikere.